About Us

Casa Febus Home Design is a family business that was founded in Puerto Rico 45 years ago. Its success has made it the best-known home accessory and furniture store chain in Puerto Rico. Today, the current generation has reinvented the Febus Family formula and has developed a chain of decorating centers with more than 3,500 products for all style tastes and budgets.

Casa Febus’ philosophy is to provide its clients with those elements that will make their home an enjoyable place at affordable prices. Casa Febus is not a store where articles for the home are sold, it is a decorating center for the home.

Its first center out of Puerto Rico is the one that will open its doors in July in the Pembroke Lakes Mall. It will offer a large variety of accessories, accents and furnishings along with an expert decorating team to assist the client at no cost.

As part of his vision, Victor Febus, its president, has chosen the city of Pembroke Pines, Florida,  as its launching site in the exporting of the Casa Febus brand throughout the USA.


To inspire each human being to make their home, their favorite place on earth.

At Casa Febus we believe in a Creator that made every species, race, and nation completely different. He built a world bursting with diversity such that none of its inhabitants are equal.

Our vision is to inspire people to build unique and intimate places where they can come to with satisfaction, inspiring and useful places that express the best of them and of the ones they are close to. A space where you want to spend your time in and that you can call “your home”.


Casa Febus offers high quality products that are accessible to all people. We keep always a frontline and innovative style to inspire you to make your home the greatest place where you can be.